
Onslaught / DFT Loot System

We have adopted the Onslaught (Modified DFT) loot system. This system allows players to decide what they really want from each raid and the leaders can efficiently hand out loot with minimal decision making or discrepancies. We have been using this system for most of Classic and will continue to use it.


1) Each raider submits a list assigning a value to each piece of gear they want from a raid. This is done once for each raid/tier with some raids/tiers being combined into one list.

2) These lists are compiled into a master spreadsheet. This master sheet lists all of the players who desire a piece of gear and ranks them from the highest to lowest value assigned. 

3) This value may change from day to day depending on how the guild wants to allow other factors to influence it. There are many options that can be toggled within the master sheet. These include attendance, raid signups, guild rank, roles (tank/dps/healer), passing, and bad luck protection.

4) When a piece of gear drops in raid, the person who is ranked first (highest calculated points) for an item is awarded said item. If the person is not in raid or they wish to pass, the next ranked person is awarded the item and so on. If there is a tie then you will have a roll-off between those people to break the tie. When an item has no one listed for wanting it then item goes straight to open rolls.

Sample of a loot sheet

This is an example of what the loot sheet will look like for each raid. Raiders will be able to view the sheet at all times and see where they rank for items in the upcoming raids. The items are listed by boss and each item will have a list of who is next in line for the items. Players can choose to take it or pass to the next player in line. Items must go through the line and each player must pass, you do not have the option to just choose who gets it if you don't take it.